Thursday, June 21, 2007

Judge Scalia and Jack Bauer are now officially an item...

Yeah, so I might be slightly exaggerating, but when a Canadian judge made the following remark at a panel discussion about torture and terrorism law, Scalia became inflamed: "Thankfully, security agencies in all our countries do not subscribe to the mantra 'What would Jack Bauer do?' "

Scalia then stood up for the star fictional character on the fox show "24", saying, "Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles. ... He saved hundreds of thousands of lives," followed by, "Are you going to convict Jack Bauer?" Judge Scalia challenged his fellow judges. "Say that criminal law is against him? 'You have the right to a jury trial?' Is any jury going to convict Jack Bauer? I don't think so.

"So the question is really whether we believe in these absolutes. And ought we believe in these absolutes."

No, I think the question is, Mr. Scalia, do we believe a fictional character from a fictional television program can/should dictate to us what is moral and what is not in terms of torture and terror law?

Oh wait, this just in. Due to the HBO show, "Big Love," Judge Scalia is now arguing in favor of polygamy.

Scalia and others like him will probably do away with the WWJD bracelets for WWJBD? I'll tell you what he'll do...ACT! It's a tough concept for some to grasp, I know, but geesh...


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