Book Update
For those who don't know this, I published a book not long ago, but have updated it to make a second and hopefully final edition. I spread word to some friends and family, but in case anyone missed it, I thought I'd copy and paste what I wrote onto here.
Hola all. To everyone who has purchased a copy or, at the very least, checked out the site and perhaps the preview, I appreciate it greatly.
But, I am a newbie at this whole thing and discovered a few little things after the first version was published, that I could've added or altered slightly, to make the book more attractive to bookstores and media outlets.
So, I've made those additions and changes and there's now a second (and final) edition of the book available. To anyone who has purchased the original and if you're at all interested in seeing the updated version, just e-mail me to let me know and I'll attach a free copy via e-mail. All I'll need to know is what program you'll want it on. I'll be able to attach it to three separate programs: 1) Adobe Acrobat, 2) Microsoft Word, or 3) Lotus Wordsmart.
If you have yet to buy a copy and would like to, both editions are now available at and Because of the updated version, I'll be able to speak to bookstores and other local media outlets about buying a few copies and giving it some promotion. The URLs are: (for the updated version) and (for the original).
I spread word to many friends and family about the original, so I will wait until June 1st until I delete the original version, making the final edition the only available version. So, for those who bought an original, if I ever make it big, you'll own a rare item.
As for the additions or changes, I'll list them off for you:
1) Enlarged the title and my name on the title page from font 12 size to 20 and 16.
2) Added a copyright page, with name of publisher, who designed the cover, ISBN #, etc.
3) Added a page directly following the copyright page with some quotes from others regarding the book.
4) Added an "s" to the end of the poem "Imperfection" in the Contents section, so that it read "Imperfections."
5) I altered the capitalization in six poems, so that they matched in the contents page, index, and in the content portion of the book: "It Comes in All Shapes and Sizes" ("In" used to be capitalized), "Peace, Love, and Harmony: An Ode to Pacifism" ("To" used to be capitalized), "Life is..." ("Is" used to be capitalized), "Once Upon A Time..." ("A" used to be lower-case), "Time Is an Illusion" ("is" used to be lower-case), and "The Tao of Life" ("Of" used to be capitalized).
6) Added an index, where I alphabetized all 104 poems, along with the page numbers in which they appear.
7) Added an about the author page, which states basic information about me, my work, ideas for future projects, and how to reach me if there are any comments or questions.
8) Altered the back cover from picture only to picture and description. The same picture (only smaller) appears at the top left of the back cover, along with two paragraphs describing the book and a quote by the author, which appears in the preface.
There you have it. If I were to attach an e-mail of the updated manuscript, all of these changes would be visible excluding the final one (the back cover) and that can be viewed at the lulu address I showed above.
Well, I hope that those who have purchased or will purchase a copy have enjoyed/will enjoy and gotten/will get something out of reading it. Thanks again. I hope all is well. Take care and have a great week.
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