Laura Bush in Denial
Yeah, that's right. Laura Bush said Sunday that she doesn't believe that bad poll numbers surrounding her husband, President George W. Bush.
This is what she had to say, "I don't really believe those polls. I travel around the country. I see people, I see their responses to my husband. I see their response to me." She also stated, "As I travel around the United States, I see a lot of appreciation for him. A lot of people come up to me and say, 'Stay the course'."
The only word that comes to mind after reading these comments is, "Duh!" Who does she think will be more apt to approaching her? Those that can't stand her or those that approve of the job her husband is doing? Also, who's she mainly surrounded by? At Bush's speeches and on his campaign trails, no one was allowed in if they appeared to not approve of him so much. So, just because everyone allowed in approves of him, does that mean the poll numbers aren't accurate? No, of course not. If one goes to a concert, who are they likely to bump into? Fans of the musician(s). If a poll was taken at the show on if they liked the act(s), it would be overwhelmingly favorable. One would have to go outside of that venue to find a non-biased and accurate poll result. Same thing with Bush. Go to his speeches, then yeah, Laura and company will hear "Stay the course" all the time. But, go outside of the biased arena and that's when you'll find an accurate percentage of Americans who approve and disapprove of the president. As polls show, that number is anywhere from 29% (Harris) to 35% (Newsweek). Wake up Laura!
Also, just because a person says, "Stay the course," that doesn't mean they support the job that the president's doing. A lot of people, even those that disapprove of Bush's performance, are saying to "Stay the course," because they believe it'd be a disaster to leave Iraq in a complete and total mess at this current juncture. Some who were even against the war from the start are saying this.
Oh, and guess on what channel she made these comments? Come on, a wild guess! No, not Disney! No, not ESPN! Not even CNN! That's right, Fox News. Such a shocker, isn't it?
AOL Welcome screen from Sunday, May 14th, 2006
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