Monday, October 16, 2006

Follow-Up on "The Marine" (movie) blog

I wrote a blog not long ago which commented on posts I read regarding "The Marine," which started airing in theaters this past Friday. Some were making claims that it'd break records and would make at least $100 million in its opening weekend and break "Titanic"'s record of $300 million at the box office. Some were also stating that it'd win a bunch of Oscars. Well, the weekend is over and "The Marine" fell just $93 million short of their projections. It its opening weekend, "The Marine" was #6 at the box office, pulling in $7 million. Just $293 million left to go!

When it comes to reviews, as I expected, they weren't too great. Only 3 out of 16 critics, or 19%, enjoyed the film. It received an average rating of 4.1 out of a possible 10. Some headlines were as follows:

"Already used to bad acting, lame action, and unbelievably stupid stories Cena's fans will love it." - Joshua Tyler,

"An Unrepentant B- movie, The Marine features the sort of bare-bones plot that would in previous years have served as a vehicle for the likes of Charles Bronson."- Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter

"Low-budget, logic-free, action schlock...explosion-laced, fisticuff-heavy, utterly brainless stuff."- Frank Swietek, One Guy's Opinion

"The Marine proudly admits that it's junk. Who am I to disagree?"- Brian Orndorf, DVDTALK.COM

"These guys don't know much about making movies, but they know how to stage a smack down."- John Monaghan, DETROIT FREE PRESS

"Kicks *** at being totally lousy."- Jesse Hassenger, FILMCRITIC.COM

"It's as fast and loud as you'd expect, but where it catches you off-guard is in its breathtaking stupidity."- Jay Antani, BOXOFFICE MAGAZINE

Oh yeah, $300 million? $100 million in its opening weekend? Oscars? That will be the sign of Armageddon right there. What will be the ultimate sign? John Cena winning the Best Actor Award. But, it'll never happen, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief.


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