Friday, October 13, 2006

"Jesus Camp" reactions

There's a new documentary out called "Jesus Camp" that seems to be pleasing some, infuriating others, and frightening yet others. I'm curious to see it when it comes to a local theater. I just checked out reviews for the film at and for the most part, they've been very positive. I then checked at the bottom of the page at the posts and it was like reading the script to a potential religious war.

There was one individual's posts who I found so outlandish and absurd, that I had to comment about them. The two following posts are separate rantings by the same person. If one cares to read all the posts, go to, type in Jesus Camp (under movies), go to the bottom of the page, and click on the forum that reads the most posts (16 last I checked). Here are two of them:

"The children are already being brainwashed by the things of the world if you don't want children to be brainwashed then turn off your tv's.I don't know what god you serve but I can asure you it is'nt the God of the bible.Because my bible say's he's a man of war.and also if you know who the enemy is.which my bible says it is the devil.God is looking for a people seperate from this world.If the love of the world is in you then the love of the father is not.thats bible. The bible say's we have to deny this Life and pick up our cross and follow him .wake up America it is'nt about this life it's about Jesus.And turning the hearts of the children back to the Father.God!"

"We Our at war with the Devil not man.And by the way if you want to put politics in here thats fine,sounds like to me you are a democrate.If this is true then your all for abortion.Which is Murder and the bible does say no murder will enter in to his rest.You can't say your a christian if your a democrate!As far as homosexuals. This is what the Bible says."

Wow, this person scares me. First off, he/she/it doesn't sound like the brightest star in the sky. Let me count the ways (errors, in this case). In 18 "sentences" (if you want to call them that), I have found at least 55 errors. That equates to over 3 errors per "sentence." Ouch! She didn't know how to use punctuation properly. I noticed many errors where she put periods where there should've been commas and vice versa. There was also no spacing after each period. For some reason, she capitalized the word "Devil," but not "God." She wrote the word "say's" many times. No apostrophe is needed there. She misused that lovely apostrophe on a few occasions. Just ask the word "Is'nt." What would that word translate to? Isont? Maybe it's how many dyslexics read isn't or is not. I don't really know. There were a couple run on and incomplete sentences. She found reason to capitalize a word like "Life." She wrote "our" instead of "are" and "your" instead of "you're" on a few occasions. She misspelled "Democrate" a couple times. Those are just a few examples. It was like reading a story written by a 1st grader.

But, even though it was extremely difficult to read at times and I had to grab for the advil container afterward, the errors weren't what bothered me most. The tone of the posts, the anger, and the simple-mindedness are what bother me the most.

Because a person obviously interpreted the Bible differently than he/she/it, this person claimed that the other didn't believe in the Bible's version of God. He/she/it spoke about how God is a God of war, and yet abortion is murder and murder is not allowed according to the Bible. So, let me get this straight, war is permissible, in which hundreds of thousands of people are slaughtered, yet it is prohibited to have an abortion? That makes a lot of sense. This person then claims that no Democrat can be a Christian. Now, where in the Bible is that presented?

"And hear ye, hear ye,
If thou 'tis blue in their political affiliation, thou shallst spend eternal life in hell,
If thou 'tis red, wit' guns aplenty, Senators harrassing and taking sexual advantage of 15-year old pages whilst others cover up for him, execute innocents on death row, and send thousands of brave soldiers to die based on lies, thou shallst spend eternal life wit' me in heaven."

No, nowhere is that written. They then assume all Democrats support abortion and homosexuality. Again, this too is wrong. While it is true that Democrats are more prone to being Pro-Choice and tolerant of homosexuality than Republicans, this does not mean that every Democrat feels this way, just like every Republican doesn't feel the reverse.

I wonder where he/she/it got brainwashed. I wonder if he/she/it truly was stupefied by a "Jesus Camp." To him/her/whatever and others like this person, the Bible is open to interpretation. There is absolutely NO 100% correct way to interpret this book. To say that your way is the right way, I can guarantee you that there's a scholar and priest elsewhere who says differently. While there are some that claim that the Bible speaks out against abortion and homosexuality, there are others who state just the opposite. There is one thing I can be 100% certain about pertaining to the Bible and that is, nowhere does it state Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, Conservatives, Moderates, or Liberals are excluded from partaking in the religion. Mark my word on that. This person and others similar to him/her/it frighten me, because they have no common sense, no depth, and no true perspective of reality. It's people with those three ingredients who wind up making the news by spiking kool-aid for a group of people.


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