Friday, October 13, 2006

Wishful Thinking on the part of Cena fans

I just read some posts at dealing with the new movie that came out today, titled "The Marine." This flick stars WWE wrestler John Cena. From the movie's make-out and the actors involved, I figured it'd be pretty awful and would bomb at the box office, so I clicked no the flick to check out reviews. There wasn't a screening held for critics to view the film! What's that usually mean? That it's worse than a film with Jessica Simpson starring. But, at the very bottom of the page is an area where people can make posts about and discuss films. I saw the title of one post was "Oscar." So, I had to check it out.

In this forum, there were five or so posts all dealing with how great the film is going to be. One person declared that it's a sure Oscar-winner! Another claimed that it'd make $100 million dollars in its opening weekend. Another stated that it'd break "Titanic"'s record for making $300 million at the box office. The only word that comes to mind when reading all of that is, "Wow."

That's great that they're fans. It's great that they support John Cena and the WWE. But, what in the world are they thinking? Are they thinking? Perhaps that's a more pertinent question. An action movie starring a professional wrestler winning the Oscar for best picture? Winning any Oscar period? Not going to happen. This is worse than an old friend of mine claiming (before she said it, kind of like these people) that "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" would win tons of Oscars, including the Best Picture Award. I dismissed that and she even bet me, but has never paid up, as I expected. This film has a better chance of winning Razzies than Oscars. What are Razzies? Let's just say Tom Hanks is to Oscars as Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears are to Razzies. And then, making $100 million in its opening weekend and $300 million overall? Yeah, there are some pretty bad films that do well at the box office. But, not that well. Yes, let's see here, when I run down the list of huge Box Office successes, I think of "Titanic," "Star Wars," "E.T.," and, oh yeah, "The Marine." Sorry, that's not going to happen. When I think of Best Actor, I think of Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Benecio Del Toro, Edward Norton, John Malkovich, Kevin Spacey, and oh yeah, I forgot, WWE's own John Cena. Not exactly. As a test might read, "Which one doesn't belong?" Cena, without question.

What is it with these poorly produced, directed, scripted, and acted military films lately? "The Guardian?" "Flyboys?" "The Marine?" "Flags of Our Fathers" looks to have some potential, but Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher rolling off their tongues cliche' after cliche'? Unknowns in "Flyboys?" A professional wrestler in "The Marine?" What, is it because it's election season? Whatever is the case, I wish they'd stop making (at least advertising) these sad attempts at military dramas. Hopefully "Flags of Our Fathers" gets the ball rolling in the right direction after these sad attempts.


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