Friday, October 13, 2006

MySpace Problems

I have run into some problems on myspace and since Tom is seemingly never around to receive e-mails, I thought I'd post the issue on here. If anyone can lend a helping hand to the matter, that'd be greatly appreciated.

Allright, while I'm still able to read and respond to e-mails, read bulletins, read other's blogs, and read comments sent to me, I'm unable to post my own blogs or bulletins. When I type an entry, I click on post and all that appears next is a white screen with a number in the upper left hand corner, for example, 2750. That's it. There was another time when it read, 444f. This has been occurring for a few days now. I even attempted to submit an error to Tom, but that didn't work either. Again, a number popped up in the upper left hand corner of an all white page. I have attempted to write Tom a number of times, but whenever I do so, it says I can't, because he's away from the computer and he'll be back shortly.

So, if anyone has any idea what this is about and can help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks a bunch.


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