Friday, October 13, 2006

Renouncing My Religion

I haven't considered myself religious. I haven't gone to church in quite some time. But, through it all, I still considered myself at the very core, a Christian. It's how I was brought up and raised. It's what everyone in my family (that I know of) believe. But, I'm now officially giving up that title.

First off, I don't believe the Bible to be taken literally. Those who take it literally get themselves into a lot of trouble. I see it as a big book full of parables, of tales with a moral to them. The Bible is a good book, a good read, but do I believe it should be stacked in the non-fiction or the tall tale section? I'd go with the latter as opposed to the former.

Secondly, I can't for a second believe that any human being could remain "perfect" for 33 years. First off, "perfect" according to whom? The outlook on sinful behavior has changed through the years. What, did Jesus never have a negative or perverse thought? Did he never make a vulgar statement? Did he never tell a white lie? Did he never fib to his parents? I cannot for the life of me believe that a person was perfect for 33 years. He may have been perfect for the first year or so (as are we all), but not after that.

Also, how would a "virgin" give birth to a child? I'm sorry, but that can't happen. The Virgin Mary? Uh-huh, and Madonna was "Like a Virgin" as her song proclaimed. Riiiight. It's physically impossible for a woman to have a child as a virgin. It's simple cause and effect. When one is stabbed, they bleed. When one engages in sex, they have the potential of becoming pregnant, in which case, they give birth to a child.

How in the world can one man's death save everyone from their own sins? It's a nice story, sure, but how is that actually possible? It'd be a nice (crazy) gesture for someone to actually do that and sacrifice themself because they felt it would rid everyone of sin. People sin on a daily basis. Every time we ask for forgiveness, poof, all is forgiven? I bet there rarely is a time when someone has prayerfully asked for forgiveness of all their sins and died with a clean slate (so to speak).

There's all the notion of predestination. How am I supposed to believe that the only choice I have in my life is that of either following God or not following him/her/it? I wish things were that simple sometimes, but they're not.

"Christians" didn't even write the Bible. Jesus wasn't a Christian. So, how in the world are we supposed to believe that through Christianity, we can be saved? That's very difficult for me to believe.

I also cannot stand how divisive religion can be. I know parents who have abandoned children because they were gay and the parents claim to care for their gay children would be to go against everything the Bible says and stands for. The same can hold true for issues like abortion. There have been numerous wars fought and countless people have died due to religion. It easily brainwashes, encourages following, and looks down upon critical thinking. It's "us vs. them." Sound familiar? It should. President Bush and others in his administration have said that remark in regard to the war(s). I do like some things that revolve around competition. I love sports, especially football, but it's just a game. When the sixty minutes are up, players and coaches from both sides shake hands, hug, and chat. But, with religion, it's different. There are people condeming almost everyone to what they call the fiery pits of hell, due to innate traits one may possess or social beliefs one may have.

I'm sorry, but I can no longer consider myself a Christian. When it comes to life on the grander scale, I'm not at war with anyone. I don't consider myself to be right and people of other faiths to be wrong. I don't believe that Christians are the ones who will be saved and all others will be condemned. I believe Jesus was imperfect, a rebel, a liberal, who put others before himself. But, I don't believe he was born from a virgin, that he's perfect, or that he's the savior. I tried. But, through lots of reading, studying, reasoning, discussing, and thinking, I can't try anymore. I've given it up. It's become nothing but a political tool and a life tool to pit "us vs. them" and I will not be affiliated with any such group. I believe that Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Confuscionists, Taoists, men, women, Africans, Asians, Europeans, South Americans, North Americans, Australians, heterosexuals, bisexuals, homosexuals, transgenders, upper-class, middle-class, lower-class, politicians, teachers, lawyers, construction workers, janitors, athletes, movie stars, rock stars, meteorologists, scientists, librarians, and all others should be able to stand side by side with one hand in the other's, embracing one another's thoughts, feelings, and differences. It should not be an "us vs. them" that encourages competition, condescension, anger, and cruelty. It should be an "us with them" that encourages cooperation, love, open-mindedness, and aid.


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