Sunday, March 11, 2007

Deja Vu

Ever been involved with a certain situation that repeats itself and it almost feels like an out of body experience or like you're back to the original predicament? This happened to me last night, in multiple ways.

Back in mid-December, I went out with this gal, whom I thought I shared a mutual attraction with, and she basically walked out on me while I awaited my change from the bill. A couple years ago, I was invited to a party by a gal, whom I thought I shared a mutual attraction with, knew no one else at the shindig, she hardly spoke to me all night, and left before I did. Two separate occasions and two separate gals.

Last night, the gal from the first incident, the one involving the walking out on me at a restaurant, invited me to hang out with she and some of her friends at a pub. She was the only one I knew there out of about 11-12 total people, until her roommate showed up a couple hours later. I've met her one other time. This gal and I hardly spoke all night and again, she left before I did. This time, she and her roomie left me there with 9-10 other people whom I'd never met before and who all knew each other fairly well, outside of one other guy. She then called a couple minutes later and apologized for walking out, but claimed she had some things to do. I couldn't hear all of what she said, because it was so loud in there. But, I think she said she was sorry, but had to go to another party, and knew it must be awkward for me. She also thanked me for coming. I then mentioned that it was alright, that'd I'd probably be leaving soon anyway and she sounded disappointed and asked where I was going to go and I commented that I was going to go home.

It was deja vu on more than one level. The predicament brought me back to two years ago, where I went around and gabbed with everyone there, attempted to get to know 10-15 people I had never met before, tried making my famous wise cracks to garner laughs, and attempted to extend the envelope as far as they allowed me to with what material I busted out at random. For the most part, I was successful in doing all that, on both occasions. Two years ago, the gal called me the very next day and sounded almost giddy, stating that she was very impressed at how well I got along with everyone and how I stayed put for a while after she left. It's not like she had been talking to me anyway, so big deal. We stopped talking not long there after. I haven't seen her since then. Then, with the gal from last night and three months ago, I'm curious to know the why's in regard to her doing this twice. I'm not sure which time makes me scratch my head more, the time she walked out on me while I was about to receive change, because she NEEDED to get back to study that very minute or the time she just up and left me (after not talking to me hardly at all) with 9-10 people I had never met before. We hung out just a week ago today. At first, it was she, her roomie, and I, before her roomie had to leave and two of my friends dropped by. That would not have been very cool of me to have just left her with my two friends, who she'd never met before. Maybe that's just me, but I feel that it'd be quite rude for me to do that. At least she called, sure. But, to invite me along, not talk to me, and then to just leave? Not cool, in my opinion. I just sent a very brief e-mail, thanking her for the invite, that I had fun, and that was basically it. I'm curious as to how (or if) she'll respond. I think I've ultimately decided to stop trying to read this gal, because she's so flighty. I don't even know if it'd be possible to carry on a stable friendship with her, because of all this. She may just be one of those who's usually fun to hang around with when she is around, but one can't ever really count on her being around to begin with sort of people. She was very short with me in an e-mail yesterday and didn't sound too pleased. I basically just asked if everything was alright and she went on and on about how I need to breathe, how I mustn't read into things so much, etc. Well, I don't think she has anything to worry about in regard to me reading too deeply into her words and/or actions, because I'm done trying to figure this one out. She hasn't contacted me yet today. Gee, what a surprise.


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